Major’s Travel Schedule

I just landed here in Boston to attend a family wedding in Connecticut Saturday. (Yes, I wanted to give the couple an Xbox 360 as a wedding present….but that was discouraged by the female members of my family.) Then it’s back to Boston Sunday morning to catch an early flight to California for the Zero Hour events. I’ll be hanging out at the event until Tuesday then it’s BACK to Boston to spend Thanksgiving with the family. I’ll be online all week from the Xbox East Coast offices (i.e. my sisters house) so look for me in PDZ, COD2 and all the rest of the Xbox 360 games. I may even try to finish Kameo as well. Hey?.If you are going to Zero Hour..look for me there…maybe you can co-host my podcast with me.

Look for another update Sunday when I touch down in Burbank.

Remember to upload your Zero Hour photos and tag them “ZeroHour.”